After you receive the registration key, you are then instructed to download the appropriate driver for your device from the developer's website before continuing. You are then brought to a screen, with a timer, which will ask you to wait, for the software to connect to the developer's server in order to unlock your devices bootloader, which is the first step to gaining root access on your device, prior to the actual process itself.
The message on the GUI will instruct you to close the program and reopen it, if the timer should exceed 10 minutes.
The developer's site guarantees that if their product does not work for your device, you will be provided with a full refund.
You can the screenshots of my devices bootloader, which remained locked, prior to use and after installation of the software, I would like to mention that my device was contained within the developers list of supported devices.
Rooting is a process which grants you full administrative control over your device, known as "Root Access ", this will enable you to perform functions and install software that you would otherwise be unable to install as it is blocked by carriers and hardware manufacturers when you have purchased a device from them, generally speaking, your device will be locked into their service.
In order for you to root your device, you will first need to check whether or not the boot loader on your device is locked or not. You may do this by entering a device specific service code. more
It helps investigators identify a mobile phone by its physical attributes.
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